How Can Agencies Effectively Manage Client Edits and Feedback?

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In this episode of the Agency Rocket Show, Liz Hunt and Chelsea Poppens discuss strategies for managing client edits and feedback. They emphasize the importance of setting boundaries and maintaining positive client relationships through clear communication and expectation management. Liz shares her approach of leading with questions to encourage clients to reconsider their feedback and explains how to handle disrespectful comments. Chelsea stresses the need to align with clients' goals and handle contentious situations diplomatically. They also cover the agency's policy on client edits, allowing two rounds before additional charges apply. The conversation includes anecdotes of dealing with harsh criticism and the process of deciding to end client relationships when necessary, always with professionalism and kindness.


Client Edits (00:00:39)
Discussion on client edit approaches, setting boundaries, and the agency's expert role.

Managing Scope Creep (00:03:07)
Setting expectations, managing client edits, and avoiding scope creep by limiting rounds of edits.

Clear Communication (00:08:40)
Importance of clear communication, setting expectations, and managing client surprises.

Addressing Poor Taste in Design (00:13:40)
Dealing with client suggestions that are not best practices, explaining design choices, and maintaining the agency's expertise.

Client Edits and Design Suggestions (00:15:13)
Discussion on handling client design ideas, comparing options, and addressing poor taste in design suggestions.

Managing Client Edits (00:17:55)
Dealing with client insistence on their ideas, picking battles, and managing client expectations.

Logic and Reasoning in Client Communication (00:19:10)
Using logic, audience consideration, and technicality to persuade clients in design decisions.

Pushing Back on Petty Edits (00:24:26)
Approach to addressing minor, unnecessary client edits and setting boundaries to maintain efficiency and professionalism.

Handling Difficult Conversations (00:29:04)
Navigating tough client conversations, managing client interactions, and maintaining professionalism in addressing client edits.

Client Edits and Difficult Conversations (00:30:45)
Liz and Chelsea discuss handling client edits, leading with questions, and aligning goals with clients.

Dealing with Mean Client Edits (00:33:59)
The hosts share experiences of receiving mean client comments and discuss addressing disrespectful feedback.

Planning for the End and Addressing Hurt Feelings (00:37:00)
Liz discusses planning for the end of a client relationship and addressing hurt feelings within the team.

Nipping Mean Comments in the Bud (00:39:27)
The importance of addressing mean comments immediately and preventing a toxic work environment is emphasized.

Supporting the Team and Wrapping Up (00:41:30)
Liz and Chelsea discuss supporting the team after mean client comments and wrapping up the project professionally.

Conclusion and Call to Action (00:44:26)
The hosts wrap up the episode, encourage feedback, and sign off with positivity.

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